The Wisdom Page 


4 June 2007 Message from David Woolfson

It has been quite a while since we have been in touch and we regret the lengthy delay. The main reason for this delay is that there has not been any major news to report since last fall. In addition, as the CoB Canada is currently a volunteer organization we have to rely on the available time of our volunteers, including myself, which has been in short supply of late.

Last fall we advised that we expected the WWA on-line community to be available to founders and members by March of this year via The Peoples World, with specific services and group/individual cost information known sometime before then.

At present, based on a recent update from The Peoples World, the above on-line community information and availability should now targeted for this fall.

Between now and then the WWA Membership framework should be finalized. We will circulate an updated draft Framework for your comments by September.